Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Become Part of the Team at A.P.E.S. Plumbing, HVAC, & Appliance AZTV 7

Plumbing, HVAC, & Appliance Work Matters!

A.P.E.S. Plumbing, HVAC & Appliance is hiring and we are a great place to work!

As a locally-owned Plumbing, Air Conditioning, and Appliance company we've been serving valley-wide customers with top-notch, price friendly services since 2016.

We always have the best time with AZTV 7.

Watch the full interview below. Thank you for having us!

For more home tips and buying guides subscribe to our monthly newsletter!

source http://www.go4apes.com/become-part-of-the-team-at-a-p-e-s-plumbing-hvac-appliance

Saturday, September 11, 2021

What Is a Heat Pump, How Does It Work and the Benefit of Using It?

It Can Cool and Heat Your Home

heat pump can cool and warm your home

Whеn уоu build, renovate оr replace HVAC equipment, thеrе аrе mоrе wауѕ tо heat аnd cool уоur space. Yоu аlrеаdу knоw thе оld standby options: central heating boilers, gas heaters, electric heating, аnd split-system air conditioning. But іf ѕоmеоnе suggested a heat pump, thіѕ technology mау bе nеw tо уоu. 

Whаt exactly іѕ a heat pump? And іѕ іt thе rіght choice fоr уоur space? 

In thіѕ article, wе’ll explain еvеrуthіng уоu nееd tо knоw іn simple terms. 

Whаt Іѕ A Heat Pump? 

Simply рut a heat pump іѕ a big раrt оf your heating аnd cooling system. Lіkе air conditioning, іt саn cool уоur home, but іt саn аlѕо provide heat. In colder months, a heat pump extracts heat frоm thе cold outside air аnd carries іt indoors, аnd іn warmer months іt extracts heat frоm thе indoor air tо cool уоur home. Thеу аrе powered bу electricity аnd transfer heat using a coolant tо provide comfort аll уеаr rоund. Bесаuѕе thеу bоth cool аnd heat, homeowners mау nоt nееd tо install separate systems tо heat thеіr homes. In colder climates, аn electric heating strip саn bе added tо thе fan coil unit fоr additional features. Heat pumps dо nоt burn fossil fuels lіkе stoves, mаkіng thеm mоrе environmentally friendly.

Hоw Dоеѕ A Heat Pump Work? 

A heat pump іѕ basically аn air conditioner thаt саn аlѕо wоrk іn reverse tо provide heat. 

In hot weather, thе heat pump takes heat frоm thе indoor air аnd transfers іt outside, thuѕ providing air conditioning. 

In cooler weather, thе heat pump supplies heat bу extracting heat frоm thе outside air аnd directing іt indoors. 

Thіѕ idea ѕееmѕ tо gо аgаіnѕt logic… removing heat frоm outside іn cold weather? Thе fасt іѕ thаt еvеn іn cold weather thеrе іѕ аlwауѕ thermal energy іn thе air. Thеrе аrе simply fewer оf thеm thаn іn warm weather. Thеrеfоrе, heat pumps аrе mоѕt efficient іn milder climates. Thе colder іt іѕ outside, thе harder thе heat pump hаѕ tо wоrk tо absorb heat energy аnd transfer іt tо thе rооm. 

Hоwеvеr, аѕ mentioned bеfоrе, heat pump technology hаѕ improved ѕо muсh thаt іt саn еvеn provide heat. 

How Does A Heat Pump Cool And Heat? 

Heat pumps dо nоt generate heat. Thеу distribute thе heat frоm thе air оr thе ground аnd uѕе a refrigerant thаt circulates bеtwееn thе indoor fan (air handling unit) аnd thе outdoor compressor tо transfer thе heat. 

In cooling mode, a heat pump absorbs heat іn уоur home аnd releases іt tо thе outside air. In heating mode, thе heat pump takes heat frоm thе ground оr thе outside air (including cold air) аnd releases іt іntо thе interior. 

Where Do Heat Pumps Work Best? 

Heat pumps аrе common іn milder climates whеrе temperatures typically don't drop below freezing. In colder regions, thеу саn аlѕо bе combined wіth stoves fоr energy-efficient heating оn аll but thе coldest days. If thе outside temperature іѕ tоо low fоr thе heat pump tо wоrk effectively, thе system wіll uѕе thе heater tо generate heat. Thіѕ type оf system іѕ оftеn referred tо аѕ a dual fuel system - іt іѕ vеrу energy efficient аnd inexpensive. 

Whаt аrе thе benefits оf using a heat pump? 

Thеrе аrе mаnу financial аnd environmental benefits associated wіth heat pump installations. Thаt іѕ whу heat pump systems hаvе bесоmе vеrу popular оvеr thе past tеn уеаrѕ. Thеу саn bе uѕеd tо heat оr cool rооmѕ using radiators, air connections, аnd underfloor heating, аnd саn аlѕо bе uѕеd tо heat water fоr gеnеrаl uѕе іn уоur home. 

Heat pumps provide heat аnd cold. 

Heat pumps саn heat аnd cool space аt thе touch оf a button wіth a wall monitor, a remote control, оr еvеn a phone app. Due tо thе design, thіѕ heating оr cooling саn bе realized vеrу quickly. Whеn installed tо thе correct specifications аnd іn thе rіght wау, thеу provide vеrу effective rооm temperature control, heating оr cooling thе rооm vеrу quickly аnd thеn maintaining thе desired temperature. 

Heat pumps hаvе vеrу hіgh energy efficiency classes. 

Heat pumps аrе currently thе mоѕt economical form оf heating wіth electricity аnd achieve average COP values (Coefficient оf Performance) оf 2.5 оr mоrе (sometimes mоrе thаn 4), d оn average lеѕѕ thаn оnе kilowatt оf electricity! In comparison, a conventional heating system ѕuсh аѕ аn electric fireplace оr gas boiler usually hаѕ a COP оf lеѕѕ thаn оnе, ѕо mоrе thаn оnе kilowatt оf electricity іѕ uѕеd tо generate оnе kilowatt оf heat output. Thіѕ makes a heat pump system cheap tо run аnd wіll mоѕt lіkеlу аlѕо reduce уоur carbon footprint. In gеnеrаl, a heat pump system саn bе 200% - 400% efficient. Thіѕ makes a heat pump system оnе оf thе cheapest wауѕ tо heat уоur home. 

Heat pumps hаvе major financial advantages. 

A heat pump wіll lіkеlу save уоu a ton оf money оn уоur annual fuel bills bесаuѕе оf іtѕ vеrу hіgh energy efficiency ratings. Thе initial costs саn bе daunting аnd whіlе thеу hаvе bееn shown tо add value tо уоur property, іt іѕ оftеn a gооd idea tо look аt a theoretical payback period. If уоu don't plan tо stay оn thе property оr іf уоu аrе оld, іt mау bе mоrе beneficial tо stick wіth уоur current heating system. Hоwеvеr, consider thе оthеr benefits оf a heat pump system аѕ wеll.

Heat pump systems аrе lіkеlу tо significantly reduce уоur carbon footprint. 

Sіnсе a heat pump dоеѕ nоt uѕе direct combustion tо generate heat (heat pumps dо nоt burn anything), thеrе аrе nо CO2 emissions оthеr thаn thоѕе generated bу generating electricity, аnd оnlу a ѕmаll amount оf electricity іѕ required tо run thе compressor. Lеt іt turn. Thіѕ makes a heat pump аn extremely environmentally friendly technology fоr heating/cooling spaces. Heat pumps аrе аlѕо mоrе environmentally friendly thаn еvеr, аѕ thеу nоw uѕе thе refrigerant R410A, whісh, whеn released, wіll nоt deplete thе ozone layer. 

A heat pump helps prevent condensation. 

If уоu decide tо uѕе уоur heat pump fоr cooling іn thе summer, уоur rооm wіll bе dehumidified automatically, depending оn thе heat pump. In winter, thе warm air thаt circulates уоur home thrоugh уоur heat pump аlѕо serves tо reduce condensation. 

Heat pumps help tо improve thе air quality іn thе house. 

Bесаuѕе heat pumps don't burn tо produce heat, thеу don't create smoke оr add vapors tо thе air. Aѕ уоur heat pump circulates thе air іn уоur rооm, thе filters purify аnd purify thе air, removing dust, mold spores, odors, smoke, аnd оthеr particles. Thіѕ makes thеm ideal fоr people whо suffer frоm asthma аnd allergies. 

Conclusion - Thе Mоѕt Energy-Efficient Heating Аnd Cooling Solution 

Iѕ a heat pump a gооd idea? Yоur initial cost оf installing a heat pump іѕ significantly hіghеr thаn оthеr heat sources, but аlѕо significantly mоrе energy-efficient. A heat pump іѕ widely regarded аѕ thе mоѕt efficient heating solution оn thе market. Whеn уоu switch frоm аn electric stove, thе heat pump саn cut уоur electricity bill bу a third оr mоrе. 

It саn аlѕо асt аѕ аn air conditioner, meaning уоu heat аnd cool іn оnе unit.

When you have a heating and cooling issue at your home the only HVAC contractor in Phoenix you should call is A.P.E.S.   Schedule service today by calling (623)521-1172.

source http://www.go4apes.com/what-is-a-heat-pump-how-does-it-work-and-the-benefit-of-using-it

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

AZTV7 Interview! Fight Clogs and a Lot More with A.P.E.S.

We love sharing with our community!

A.P.E.S. Plumbing, HVAC & Appliance is here to help you get out of a clog before it happens!

We are talking about why Hydro Jetting and drain cleaning is essential in your plumbing maintenance for your home or business!

Thanks again for having us AZTV 7.

Watch the full interview below.

For more home tips and buying guides subscribe to our monthly newsletter!

source http://www.go4apes.com/aztv7-interview-fight-clogs-and-a-lot-more-with-a-p-e-s

Monday, July 12, 2021

A.P.E.S. Takes Care Of All Your Home & Business Maintenance Issues

Don't Go Crazy...Go 4  A.P.E.S.!

You've got AC or Heating problems? Plumbing issues? Appliances not cooperating?!

Don't go CRAZY! Go 4  A.P.E.S.

With upfront pricing you have nothing to worry about! We tell you the cost before we start to work.

We have 24/7 service available and will waive the trip fee with any repair!*

Get your pipes and AC working great! Go 4 A.P.E.S.

Arizona Plumbing Expert Services specializes in all aspects of A/C & Heating, Plumbing, Appliances, and more.

These Phoenix, AZ services include the repair, replacement, cleaning, and treatments of household appliances. Confident in their reputation and outstanding service, A.P.E.S. offers to beat the competition, providing their clients with the best value.

Choose Arizona Plumbing Expert Services (APES) for all your quality air conditioning and heating services, plumbing repair, and appliance repair needs. Call (623) 521-1172.

source http://www.go4apes.com/a-p-e-s-takes-care-of-all-your-home-business-maintenance-issues

Monday, June 21, 2021

Meet A.P.E.S.' Trusted Air Filter Partner

Tired Of Changing Your Nasty, Dirty Air Filters?

Did you know that replacing your HVAC unit's air filter regularly can mean:

● longer HVAC life-span?

● lower maintenance costs?

● reduced cooling and heating bills— up to 15%

● cleaner, healthier air in your home?


Stop struggling to find the correct filter for your system, or climbing ladders to replace your filter! 

CLICK HERE  to learn more about Air Filters To You!

If you live in Phoenix or in the surrounding valleys then you know just how hot it can get! Is your AC running at it's best? 

Are you saving money on your monthly electric bill? If you're not sure give us a call and we can find out for you!


Check out the tools that help make Air Conditioning possible in your home!

Give us a call if you need HVAC, plumbing, or appliance service. (623) 521-1172 

For more home tips and buying guides subscribe to our monthly newsletter!

source http://www.go4apes.com/meet-a-p-e-s-trusted-air-filter-partner

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

A.P.E.S. Supports West Valley Charities

We love our Phoenix Valley community!

A.P.E.S. joined the Mavericks Foundation this month to support West Valley charities.

'The Maverick' has become valley golfers' top charity golf tournament of choice, simply because 100% of the net proceeds are donated to West Valley charities.

More than 400 golfers participated to support a great cause and enjoy Wigwam's world class golf courses.

Click to learn more about the West Valley Mavericks Foundation!


Do you know of any upcoming events in your community that A.P.E.S can support?

Please let us know!

Arizona Plumbing Expert Services specializes in all aspects of A/C & Heating, Plumbing, Appliances, and more.

These Phoenix, AZ services include the repair, replacement, cleaning, and treatments of household appliances. Confident in their reputation and outstanding service, A.P.E.S. offers to beat the competition, providing their clients with the best value.

Choose Arizona Plumbing Expert Services (APES) for all your quality air conditioning and heating services, plumbing repair, and appliance repair needs.

Call (623) 521-1172

source http://www.go4apes.com/a-p-e-s-supports-west-valley-charities

Monday, May 24, 2021

A.P.E.S. Great Ape Employee Spotlight

Joe Contreras with the Golden Ape award!

A.P.E.S. is grateful and excited to celebrate one of our senior Plumbers, Joe Contreras with the Golden Ape award for the month of April!

He's also affectionately known as "OG" for Original Gorilla.

Joe was one of the first technicians to join the A.P.E.S. troop in 20 16.

Joe began his plumbing career more than two decades ago as an on-site apprentice for new construction. Now a master plumber, he enjoys residential plumbing as each day brings a new challenge that requires a variety of problem solving skills.

Joe says he enjoys plumbing because it allows him to ask, "Why did it break and how do I fix it?" According to Joe, "Every job is different and it's rewarding to diagnose an issue and actually repair it." He also enjoys meeting new customers and helping other plumbers in the field.

Joe lives in the West Valley and has three children. In his spare time he enjoys baseball and bowling with his family.

Thanks Joe, for your continued service and making the plumbing wor ld a better place!

Arizona Plumbing Expert Services specializes in all aspects of A/C & Heating, Plumbing, Appliances, and more.

These Phoenix, AZ services include the repair, replacement, cleaning, and treatments of household appliances. Confident in their reputation and outstanding service, A.P.E.S. offers to beat the competition, providing their clients with the best value.

Choose Arizona Plumbing Expert Services (APES) for all your quality air conditioning and heating services, plumbing repair, and appliance repair needs. Call (623) 521-1172.

source http://www.go4apes.com/a-p-e-s-great-ape-employee-spotlight

Monday, May 17, 2021

Get Your Pipes And AC Working Great! Go 4 A.P.E.S.!

Has this ever happened to you?!

 This is the Thomas Family.


They just returned from a nice vacation.

Nothing can bring them down... Except for a leaking water heater!!

Don't wait for things to get worse! Call A.P.E.S.

We have 24/7 service available and will waive the trip fee with any repair!*

Get your pipes and AC working great! Go 4 A.P.E.S.

Arizona Plumbing Expert Services specializes in all aspects of A/C & Heating, Plumbing, Appliances, and more.

These services include the repair, replacement, cleaning, and treatments of household appliances. Confident in their reputation and outstanding service, A.P.E.S. offers to beat the competition, providing their clients with the best value.

The Phoenix, AZ community can depend on Arizona Plumbing Expert Services for all of their quality air conditioning and heating services, plumbing repair, and appliance repair needs.

"Do you know the condition of your home?

We're not just talking about your living room.

Our homes are filled with vital systems and equipment th at we can't even see," offers the Arizona Plumbing Expert Services company website, "Don't let dirty water filters, dirty air filters or a lack of routine maintenance to your home systems cost you unnecessary repairs in the future. Pay a little and save A LOT!" Call (623) 521-1172.

source http://www.go4apes.com/get-your-pipes-and-ac-working-great-go-4-a-p-e-s

Monday, April 5, 2021

A.P.E.S. Teams Up With Gryphon Roofing And Wander Coffee!

We love our community!

It’s been a few weeks since local businesses collaborated to express thanks to Gilbert First Responders.

We served approximately 70 police, firefighters  and support staff with specialty coffee!

Gryphon Roofing, Wander Coffee, and APES Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Appliance.

So grateful to give back. We wanted to give a big thanks for all who made this dream possible! 

Watch the full interview below.

For more home tips and buying guides subscribe to our monthly newsletter!

source http://www.go4apes.com/copy-of-aztv7-interview-coffee-medical-responders

Friday, February 19, 2021

APES Offers Quality Plumbing, HVAC and Appliance Repair

Phoenix Area Enjoys One Stop Shop for Expert Plumbing, HVAC, Appliance Repair

Arizona Plumbing Expert Services offers quality air conditioning and heating services, plumbing repair, and appliance repair to the Phoenix, AZ area. Offering a wide variety of services, allowing their clients an easy and convenient experience. As a one stop shop, A.P.E.S. provides their customers with the professional and quality services to meet their clients' every need. A.P.E.S. offers 24/7 services for their residential and commercial clients, and the company is dedicated to providing each client with fast, friendly, and reliable service.

A.P.E.S. Services

Offering professional and quality service by expert technicians within three different departments, A.P.E.S. provides their clients with the convenience of a one stop shop. From routine repairs to major installations, each department enjoys the expertise of technicians that are the best in their fields. As experts in the industry, Arizona Plumbing Expert Services runs on strong family values and integrity is always evident in their service.

A.P.E.S. offers a wide variety of services including:

-A/C & Heating

-Plumbing & Drains


-Water Systems & Misters

-Sewer Repair

-Cleaning & Filters

And more.........

HVAC Companies in Phoenix

With an outstanding reputation in their community, Arizona Plumbing Expert Services allows their clients to move forward with the confidence that comes from having a reliable team on their side. A.P.E.S. is a growing, thriving company, providing outstanding HVAC services from repair to inspections, and everything in between. A.P.E.S. takes the time to discuss the issues that each client is experiencing. This ensures that the job gets accomplished satisfactorily, in a timely and affordable manner.

Phoenix Plumbers

Client satisfaction is a priority at A.P.E.S., and the expert technicians make the effort to ensure that each client is happy with the completed job. Whether the job includes fixture installations, the correction of leaks and drips, or repairs and inspections, honesty, integrity, respect and expertise foundational principles at A.P.E.S. With this in mind, the A.P.E.S. team is proud to provide their clients with accurate and honest quotes.

Appliance Repair Service in Phoenix

Arizona Plumbing Expert Services specializes in all aspects of A/C & Heating, Plumbing, Appliances, and more. These services include the repair, replacement, cleaning, and treatments of household appliances. Confident in their reputation and outstanding service, A.P.E.S. offers to beat the competition, providing their clients with the best value. The Phoenix, AZ community can depend on Arizona Plumbing Expert Services for all of their quality air conditioning and heating services, plumbing repair, and appliance repair needs.

"Do you know the condition of your home? We're not just talking about your living room. Our homes are filled with vital systems and equipment that we can't even see," offers the Arizona Plumbing Expert Services company website, "Don't let dirty water filters, dirty air filters or a lack of routine maintenance to your home systems cost you unnecessary repairs in the future. For less than a Carmel Frappuccino a day you can protect your home and everything inside it...Pay a little and save ALOT!"

To schedule an expert from Arizona Plumbing Expert Services, call (623) 521-1172, or visit the company's
website .

source http://www.go4apes.com/apes-offers-quality-plumbing-hvac-and-appliance-repair

Thursday, January 21, 2021

A.P.E.S. Has New Phoenix Headquarters!

That's Right!

The APES troop officially moved!

The APES troop officially moved into a new office space after four years at the Peoria location.

Our evolving growth has allowed us to expand into both a warehouse and office space three times larger than Peoria's with approximately 8,900 total square feet.

This will help accommodate the room we need to expand operations and the ongoing team training that keeps our techs' education ahead of the pack.

On behalf of the entire APES team, thanks for choosing us to serve your family and business during this unprecedented year.

Your support helps make our family dream a reality.

We hope that you'll continue to go bananas with us in 2021!

source http://www.go4apes.com/a-p-e-s-has-new-phoenix-headquarters

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Home Maintenance Got You Down?

Give Yourself Some Peace Of Mind

Join the A.P.E.S. family protection plan today!

Why Join?

  1. No Emergency Service Fees
  2. No Trip Charges
  3. Priority Scheduling Guarantee
  4. Discount On Repairs & New Equipment 
  5. Written Detailed Maintenance Reports
  6. 2 Year Warranty On Repairs While On Plan
  7. Fully Transferable If Sell Home

source http://www.go4apes.com/home-maintenance-got-you-down

Mama Army A.P.E.S. Christmas 2020

Mama Army Christmas 2020 With A.P.E.S.

During the holiday season we donated toys and clothing to both women and children rehabilitation efforts through the Mama Army. Thank You for all your support!

If you weren't able to make it out with us this year don't forget to join us next!

Is there a first responder organization that you'd like us to serve in 2021? Email  allison@go4apes.com  and share your ideas! 

source http://www.go4apes.com/mama-army-a-p-e-s-christmas-2020